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Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Mehwish Hayat Ki Behudgi

Google’s Copybook Tablet With Advance Technology

Technology has changed the map of the world. It has reshaped the map with the help of different inventions associated with it.
The technological demand has been increased since beginning.
There is not a single sector that is operating without interference of technology.Infact; people can only cope with modern world if they acknowledge the importance and usage 
of technology.With the advancement the usage of moving pictures, photos, software and mobile devices have increased to a greater extent.
Infact, all these improvements have benefitted the people all over the world. God has given the tendency to human beings and they have used their minds to rule over this globe.
According to some news sources, “Google is developing a new-7inch tablet that can capture 3-D images and plans to produce about 4,000 of these prototypes.”
So people can tight their seat belts because this Google tablet is going to change the world into living reality. You can feel the difference between life with 3-D images and life without 3-D 

Features Of Google Tablet;

Following Are The Features Of Google Tablet:

• It is part of ‘Project Tango’
• It consists of 2 rear cameras.
• Infrared depth censors are present in this Tablet.
• Advance software is enclosed in tablet which can 
take three dimensional images of objects.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the 3D tablet will be 
shown off at Google’s annual developers’ conference at end of June”.
It must be taken into consideration that since last couple of years consumers are found to be less interested in these devices, though it can view and create 3D images.
Thus, this Google Tablet will be presented with capacity to capture 3D images. The best thing about the product is that it is going to be launched this year.

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